First off, think of journaling. Is there a place where a beautiful font might start off a journal-ed sentence? How often have you read in books, 'Once Upon A Time....' where just the O is super fancy? It is in this spirit you might work. What about words to highlight, within the sentence? Using the same idea, just use that 'Z' as you write zealous! Another great way is at names, or just initials. Go ahead and use those numbers instead of writing out seven.
Next, think of them as stencils! Lay them on your paper and ink or spray around them! In the case of a strange sticker shape, I revert back to journaling; use this 'empty' space to journal or doodle in! Once the ink has dried, gently peel the stickers off. You will have a fabulous paper, and no one will notice a lack of letters or numbers.
My example and instructions uses 'Bedtime Story' from
1. Lay your stickers on paper, choose ink or sprays that go well together.
3.Add second color.
4.Remove stickers.
Wow! How brilliant!